by Peter Sorlien
ASA, appraiser of art and antiques, Accredited Appraisers, Marblehead, MA

Peter C. Sorlien, ASA has 30 years of experience in appraising art and antiques, including prints from Durer to Dali, and timepieces from Cheney to Chelsea. He has appraised prints in almost every medium, from the woodblocks of the 15th century to the multi-medium complexities of ULAE and other modern art publishers. He has accumulated extensive experience with Illustration Art, Marine Art and art of the Cape Ann (Massachusetts) art colony, and has appraised a wide variety of antiques, from ancient glass to contemporary studio furniture.
Mr. Sorlien has been a featured speaker at several national conferences of professional appraisers, regarding the valuation of a corporate art collection, his appraisal of Jacques Cousteau’s expedition ship Calypso, and the principles behind Fair Market Value. He has spoken to smaller groups of appraisers, and to a regional meeting of NAWCC as well. Several times he has assembled multi-disciplinary teams to appraise very unusual objects, such as the third-largest figurative sculpture in the United States, and to prepare feasibility studies for museums.
Students rated Mr. Sorlien very highly as a teacher of the Principle of Valuation courses given by the American Society of Appraisers (ASA). He had the great good fortune to serve on the team that first developed those courses, and taught all four courses for five years, while serving as Personal Property Education Chairman twice. He wrote chapters for both ASA books on appraising personal property. He served on ASA’s Personal Property Committee, and in all the offices of ASA’s Boston chapter.