Chelsea Clock Company Factory Tour
Friday, October 27, 2017, 8:30 a.m.
Limited to 10 Symposium Attendees
Advance Signup Required
Tour now full; waiting list available.
The world-famous Chelsea Clock Company, a generous sponsor of the symposium, is offering a special tour of its facillities. For safety and convenience reasons, no more than ten people can be accommodated. You would need to arrive at the factory, six miles from the Museum of Fine Arts, before 8:30 a.m. for a one-hour tour. You then would return to the museum for its 10 a.m. opening and 10:30 start of the symposium program. There is no charge, but you must commit to participating if you sign up.
To register, please email Symposium Chairman Bob Frishman or call him at 978-475-5001 (please do not contact Chelsea Clock directly about the tour). The factory and offices are at 101 Second Street, Chelsea, Massachusetts.